Using Apache CXF And Maven With a Proxy Server

I discovered a couple of interesting issues when using Apache CXF and Maven behind a proxy this week. It started when I sent out a package of stubs in a Maven project I had built to enable developers of integration systems to regenerate there own stubs from the live WSDL. This project uses the wsdl2java tool from Apache CXF to generate some JAX-WS based SOAP stubs from the WSDL hosted on a staging server on the internet....

May 26, 2011 2 min

How to build server with Bamboo and Ubuntu

Recently I have been looking into setting up my own build server, having used Cruisecontrol, Hudson, Teamcity in the passed I wanted to give something new a try. With the recent release of Bamboo 3.1.1 I thought I would see what all the fuss is about. I logged onto Atlassian’s site and payed my 10 bucks, which much to my delight and respect, goes to charity. I then spun up a clean Ubuntu server running 10....

May 24, 2011 4 min

Using Jackson with Apache CXF

Whilst working on my Javascript, ExtJS 4 and Apache CXF skills I came across a solution to a problem I encountered getting ExtJS to talk to Apache CXF using JSON. The basis for this issue revolves around “wrapping” in JSON and two different schools on what is correct way to encode it. As far as I can see there is the more verbose version which Jettison, the default JSON serialiser in Apache CXF produces, then there is the “unwrapped” version which the alternate serialiser Jackson produces....

May 22, 2011 2 min

Apache CXF Logging Configuration

Configuring logging in Apache CXF can be confusing at first, in my view this is further compounded by Apache Tomcat’s logging architecture. In my cxf based projects the first step is to use the logging configuration available in 2.2.8 or later. This enables you to configure your logger of choice for the entire CXF stack. Needless to say I really like this feature as I am not a big fan of java....

May 20, 2011 3 min

Building Apache CXF web service clients namespace mapping

Recently I have been doing quite a bit of work around Apache CXF, both on the server side and the client side. Over the next few weeks I will post some of the tricks I have learnt. In this post I will summarise one of the cxf-codegen-plugin options I used to assist me while consuming WCF web services using Apache CXF. When dealing with WCF based services, and indeed any WSDL which uses more than one namespace it is handy knowing how to control name spaces and how these translate into packages in your java stubs....

May 7, 2011 2 min

Moving to Jekyll and Disqus

First post from my newly migrated blog reviewing migration from wordpress to Jekyll and Disqus. Jekyll for site generation. Sass for simplified css goodness. Pygments code highlighting. Disqus Following some of the sites which use Jekyll, I generated the skeleton and began building my site using Jekyll. After trialing some of the code highlighting options I selected pygments, this was to ensure my code samples looked good. Once the base was configured and working I moved on to add a plugin to utilise Sass in my website....

March 6, 2011 1 min

Installing Ruby with RVM on Ubuntu 10.10

Been installing RVM on anything that runs *nix lately, ran into some issues with using this great tool on Ubuntu 10.10. After a bit of reading I discovered a couple of solutions, either I could build and install some of these libraries using RVM, or I could locate and install the dev versions of these libraries in Ubuntu. As I like my libraries updated for security issues and such like I took the later option....

December 6, 2010 2 min

Maven, where I start

More often than not today I start my Java projects using an Apache Maven archetype. Whether it be for an Apache CXF based web service, a simple web application or some sort of service most are started from an archetype. However pretty much every project I need to add my secret project ingredients, this typically starts with a couple of key plug-ins: maven-checkstyle-plugin – I really like to know when my code is a mess, even if it does annoy some people....

September 2, 2010 2 min